At age 22. New York native Elaine Gordon found herself living in Florida on public assistance after a failed relationship left her alone with a new baby to support. Determined to get off welfare quickly, she started cleaning houses. Two years later she was the owner of the largest house-cleaning business in south Florida.
'For some reason whatever I get involved in turns out pretty successful"' says the 44-year old Redmond resident Perhaps that's an understatement for the single mother of three, who earned a black belt in karate in two years (and a roomful of karate trophies), home schooled her children when they were young and started a new career in the entertainment industry, all while running her business of 40 independent cleaners. American Maid.
In 1992 Gordon (pictured above holding a si, a Japanese martial arts weapon she uses in competition) founded the sports division of Eileen Seals International, a Seattle-based model and talent agency Her client list includes football players-such as Seattle Seahawks Chris Warren and Carlton Gray and retired pro Mark Lee, whom she helped get a part in the recent television miniseries Pandora's Clock-as well several professional local soccer players.
Gordon sees herself more as a casting coordinater than an agent or manager 'Films come to town aril they'll call me up and say, 1 need a boxer or a wrestler or a football player' o whatever, and I'll just go on my search, 'she explains. 'It's almost like being a detective.' The fast-paced life of a casting coordinator isn't necessarily glamorous: She once had a local gym owner hang up on her three times before she could con
vince hint tint her request for a borer was serious.
Last summer Gordon found athletes and extras for the movie Prefontaine, much of which was filmed in Husky Stadium. The casting director called one Friday evening at 10 p. m. requesting extras for 6 am. the next morning 'l was frantic,' she recalls. 'I was calling all my maids, (asking! 'You want to be in a film?" '"
Gordon, who plans to start granting franchises of American Maid this year, already has her eye on her next career. film producer